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10 reasons why you should exercise

10 reasons why you should exercise

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. All forms of exercise are good for you, so whether you decide to take yoga classes, take up boxing or join a gym, there is something for everyone to suit their needs. Not convinced yet? We have 10 reasons why you should exercise!

Exercise makes you happier!

Exercising will make you feel better! Exercise gives you more strength and endurance. Your appearance also improves, giving you more self-confidence!

Exercise helps increase your pain threshold!

By increasing the natural painkillers in your body, exercise can help you relieve aches and pains, such as menstrual pain. Because you often breathe deeply during exercise, more oxygen enters the bloodstream, which relaxes the uterus.

Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease!

By exercising you reduce the risk of heart disease, this is because exercise prevents blood from clotting. People who don't exercise are twice as likely to develop heart disease as people who do exercise.

Exercise helps you lose weight!

Everyone knows that you can burn fat through exercise and a healthy diet. Why burden yourself with extra kilos when you can do something about it. Burning excess fat will not only make you look and feel better, it will also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Exercising helps you sleep better at night!

If you can't sleep at night, it may be because you have too much energy left, exercise can help with that! By using extra energy during the day, you will sleep faster and deeper in the evening, so you wake up feeling wonderfully rested the next day.

Exercising helps you make new friends!

When you have something in common with someone it is easier to start a conversation. So don't be afraid to have a chat with a stranger. This could result in a friendship or a partner! You can also help each other by providing tips or motivating each other.

Exercise improves your sex life!

It is well known that exercise increases your endurance and energy, which has a positive effect on your sex life with your partner. For women, exercise increases sexual stimulation and for men, exercise helps prevent erection problems. A fitter body also has more appeal.

Sports are fun!

Besides the fact that exercise is good for your health, it is also a lot of fun! It is a perfect opportunity to strengthen the bond with family or friends. Of course, don't forget to keep exercising and don't turn it into a pleasant chat. This way you can spend time without being bored and still benefit from it.

Exercising helps for a healthier appearance!

Exercising not only helps you get a tighter figure. Because exercise ensures better blood circulation, important nutrients reach the skin. This process extracts toxins and delivers oxygen to the skin. The result? Better skin and healthier complexion!

Exercise improves your mood!

Have you ever noticed that after exercising you look in the mirror and a smile appears on your face. This is because exercise releases endorphins, which provide a pleasant feeling. For people with anxiety and depressive complaints, there is a therapy in which they go running instead of taking antidepressants.

These 10 reasons should be enough motivation for everyone to start exercising (if you don't already exercise). Stop getting in your way and feel the way you want to feel!

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