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Taekwon-do ITF

ITF Taekwon-do is a beautiful, flashy and dynamic Korean martial art. The name was first used in 1955 by the founder of Taekwon-do: General Choi Hong Hi. Fight2Win has everything you need for this traditional martial art, from suits to protectors.

30 years of Taekwon-do experience in suits and doboks

Do you also want to practice this profound and interesting martial art? Fight2Win is the specialist in the Taekwon-do field, with more than 30 years of relevant practical experience with original Taekwon-do Masters. When selecting your clothing and materials, we have the answers to all your questions. We have ITF doboks (taekwon-do suits) in stock for beginners to dance holders.

ITF Taekwon-do protectors, gloves and safety kicks
Of course you have also come to the right place for protectors, taekwon-do gloves, foot protectors and safety equipment. The Fight2Win/ITF Taekwon-do webshop was founded by Sabum Robin (IV then), so the expertise is good! Sabum Robin has practiced Taekwon-do for 25 years and achieved the rank of International Instructor with Grandmaster Kim Ung Chol (IX dan) from North Korea.

ITF Taekwon-do: what do you need?

ITF Taekwon-do is the original semi-contact taekwon-do form that was named in 1955 and incorporated into the International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF) in 1966. In the Netherlands there are plenty of dojangs (Taekwon-do schools) where you can practice this authentic martial art. For Taekwon-do ITF you need the following materials:

  • ITF Taekwon-do suit (dobok) - completely white with (white) belt
  • Taekwon-do gloves - semi-contact safety punch with open palm
  • Taekwon-do foot protectors - semi-contact safety kicks
  • Head protector - usually optional, increasingly mandatory
  • Shin guard - optional, without instep pad
  • Groin protector - optional for men and women
  • Mouthguard - competitions and sparring training

Curious about more about the fantastic Korean martial art Taekwon-do? Read more about it in our martial arts information section - Taekwon-do .