Breaking boards
Breaking boards are always a hit with both adult martial artists and kids! Breaking tests are always fair, because the board only goes through if the technique is correct and focused. Because every training new wooden planks or roof tiles will be very expensive and also not very durable, there are special re-breakable planks on the market.
Fight2Win has "breaking boards" for Taekwondo, Karate and other martial arts in various strengths . We even have suitable breaking boards for the smallest children from about 5 years up to and including challenging heavy breaking boards where even the most experienced breaking technique experts will have to do their best.
The Bytomic Breaker Boards for youth and beginners have a nice soft foam layer over the plastic to protect the person performing the technique. The very heavy Bytomic breaker boards that are worthy of the European Championship and World Championship have recently been renewed and now have nice rounded corners.
Do you have a question? Call, email or app us and you will get an answer from over 30 years of martial arts experience in Taekwon-do, Karate, boxing and kickboxing!