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History of Thai boxing/Muay Thai

History of Thai boxing/Muay Thai

The history of Thai boxing (Muay Thai) can be traced back to the Middle Ages. In those days, wars were fought with bows and arrows, swords and spears. However, in close quarters combat, arms and legs were also great weapons. The sport was included in the army and became part of training, all on the orders of King Naresuan in 1560.

During one of the many wars between Myanmar and his country, he was captured by the Myanmar. It was known that he could fight well and that is why he was promised that he could fight his way free. The unbelievable happened and the king managed to win against all his opponents and thus obtained his freedom. Upon his return to Siam he was welcomed as a hero. He then decided to make Thai boxing a national sport. Boxing gloves were made from hemp and horsehide and this is still done in rural Thailand.

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