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Top 5 good intentions for 2023

Top 5 good intentions for 2023

The end of the year is approaching and the same question is always central during this period: "Do you have any good intentions for the new year?" A serious answer often turns out to be remarkably difficult and that is why we are happy to help you on your way. The golden rule for good intentions? Make sure your good intentions are achievable. Of course it sounds logical, but often enough unrealistic good intentions are set. The result? People quickly drop out.

5 good intentions for the new year

We are happy to help you get started with the Fight2Win top 5 good intentions for 2023.

Good intention 1: Punching bag training

Boxing is really not just for men and advanced athletes. You can box too! Boxing is a HITT training (High Intensity Interval Training). This means that you continuously train in different heart rate zones. This is good for your overall body strength, fitness, balance, coordination, fat burning and your mind. In addition, boxing is one of the sports where you burn the most calories and you can literally fight off your negative feelings and stress. Boxing is therefore good for body and mind.

Did we already tell you that punching bag training is remarkably fun? You're probably thinking: "Boxing? No, not for me", but just watch what it does to you when you land a few punches! In addition, you really don't have to become a special member of a gym. Punching bag training is very suitable to do at home. You probably have a free space somewhere to hang a punching bag, so visit our store and pick out a nice punching bag!

Your good intention: "Next week I'm going to start boxing on a punching bag for at least 30 minutes every Monday and Thursday. "

New Year's resolution 2: Eat healthier

This New Year's resolution is one of the most mentioned New Year's resolutions every year. The problem, however, is that people often do not really know what 'healthier eating' really means. Of course we all know that fruit and vegetables are healthy, but an eating pattern consisting only of fruit and vegetables is of course not realistic.

You can eat healthier by complying with the points below (more often).

  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day
  • Eat whole grain products every day
  • Eat legumes such as brown or white beans, chickpeas or lentils at least once a week
  • Eat about 3 eggs per week
  • Eat a handful of unsalted nuts every day (peanuts are not nuts)
  • Drink a few glasses of milk or a bowl of yogurt every day (milk or yogurt from animals, soy or other plants)
  • Eat fish once a week (preferably oily fish such as herring, halibut, salmon or mackerel)
  • Eat little red or processed meat such as sausage or cold cuts (red meat is meat from cows, sheep, goats and pigs)
  • Drink few drinks that contain sugar, such as juice and soft drinks
  • Eat few products made from white wheat flour, such as white bread, cookies, biscuits and snacks

A nice list and certainly 'easier said than done', but here too, set yourself a good intention that is clear and achievable.

Your good intention: "I start every day with a bowl of yogurt with a nice piece of fruit, Tuesday is fishing day and I will no longer buy sweet drinks."

Good intention 3: Learn something new

Have you been thinking about doing something new for a while? Then why haven't you started it yet? Learning something new really gives you a lot of satisfaction. Just try it!

Your good intention: "Before the end of January I will have taken the first serious action to actually realize the idea that I have been thinking about for a long time."

Good intention 4: Worry less

You know the standard response: "Don't worry about it so much!" Nice, but what good is it? That's just how you are and you worry about things... But have you ever asked yourself the question: "Can I actually do anything about it?" If the answer to that question is “No,” then what's the point of worrying about it in the first place?

Logically, you cannot easily change such a setting, but you can make it a little easier for yourself. Do you find yourself worrying again about something you cannot change? Put on boxing gloves and hit a punching bag in 30 minutes. Body and mind... Remember?

Your good intention: "I will only worry about things that I actually have influence over (at that moment)."

Good intention 5: Enjoy more

It is sometimes said: "A day without laughter is a day wasted". Of course it's very corny, but there is certainly some truth in it. Every day of your life should be one that you enjoy. Definitely not realistic and it doesn't mean that you have to push yourself to the limit every day, but if at the end of the day you can say in the mirror: "That was a valuable day" then you have done well. A certain Jack once said: "Make every day count."

Your good intention: "I see every day as a new opportunity to do something."

The entire Fight2Win team wishes you the best of luck with your good intentions and of course a great and sporty New Year!

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