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Martial arts from Europe

Martial arts from Europe

Boxing (England)

Boxing, also called English boxing, is a combat sport in which two participants of the same weight fight against each other, using their fists. A boxing match is supervised by a referee and there is fighting ... read more

Wrestling (Greece)

Wrestling is one of the oldest martial arts and was part of military training among the Greeks. It belonged to the classical Olympic Games and was one of the top events. The Romans took the ... read more

Lucha Canaria (Spain)

Virtually unknown to tourists and not promoted, but a real top sport on the Canary Islands themselves: the Lucha Canaria. Literally it means 'the Canarian fight', but this is about a Canarian form of wrestling... read on

Savate (France)

Savate is also called French boxing, French Kickboxing or French foot fighting. It is a French martial art that uses the hands and feet as weapons. It combines elements of western boxing with graceful kicking techniques... read on

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