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Martial arts for more self-confidence

Martial arts for more self-confidence

Many people suffer from insecurity and lack of self-confidence from a young age. A martial art can have a great positive influence on this. In various martial arts you learn certain mental qualities that will give you more self-confidence.

In martial arts such as boxing , kickboxing , krav maga , taekwon-do and karate , cooperation and dealing with resistance and conflict are central. These sports focus on increasing physical and mental resilience. They also give a positive boost to someone's self-image, self-awareness and self-confidence. It also strengthens social skills.

Particularly effective in children

Martial arts to gain more self-confidence appears to be especially effective in children. A 2014 study showed that children who practice martial arts are much more resilient. This would mean that if you start martial arts at an early age as a child, there is a good chance that you will also have much more self-confidence later in life.

Children learn how to 'survive' and become stronger by taking on challenges. Many children prefer to avoid such situations and therefore often do not know how to act in practice. The uncertainty this creates often does not disappear and in fact only gets worse. That is why it is important to learn these qualities as a child so that a foundation is laid for later life.

Children who are physically and mentally resilient are less likely to become victims of bullying and are better able to defend themselves against bullying. By increasing resilience, a child learns to adequately stand up for himself and deal with difficult situations.

Conclusion: Children who start practicing martial arts at an early age appear to have much more self-confidence later in life than children who do not practice martial arts.

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