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The term kickboxing is actually a somewhat corrupted term: in the Netherlands the term kickboxing is often used for styles that resemble Thai boxing ( Muay Thai ), but historically this is not correct.

Origin of kickboxing in the US

Actual kickboxing originated in the United States in the early 1970s. It was actually a mixture of different fighting styles such as karate, taekwondo and kempo. The big difference with what we usually understand by kickboxing is the absence of kicks to the legs. These so-called low kicks are not allowed in American kickboxing (also called full-contact).

Kickboxing in Japan

In Japan, around the same period, a form called kickboxing also emerged. This fighting style developed from the hard karate styles such as Ashihara and Kyokushin karate mixed with influences from Thai Muay Thai.

WAKO - World Association of Kickboxing Organizations

The WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations) is one of the world's largest martial arts organizations (with 4 million practitioners) and has a clear division into the various variants of kick and Thai boxing.

With the WAKO we distinguish:

  • Point Fighting
  • Light contact
  • Full Contact (no low kicks)
  • Low Kick
  • K-1 Rules

IFMA - International Federation of Muay Thai Amateur

There is also the IFMA (International Federation of Muay Thai Amateur), where amateurs compete with protectors in traditional Muay Thai using fists, knees, elbows and legs. In the Netherlands, competition is rarely fought on so-called "Full Muay Thai" rules. In full Muay Thai, the elbows are also used in the fight, something that is rarely allowed in the Netherlands, with the exception of some A-class matches.


We have all become familiar with the K-1 rules. K-1 was not a style but a Japanese martial arts organization. At K-1 the fight is similar to kickboxing and Thai boxing with some minor differences. Unlike Thai boxing, the elbows are not allowed to be used. Also, when clinching, the match is immediately stopped and restarted, while in traditional Muay Thai, and to a lesser extent in kickboxing, this is a very important part of the fight.

Do you also want to start kickboxing?

Are you also super excited to start with this great, fun and healthy martial art? Good new one. We have listed a large number of kickboxing clubs in various cities in the Netherlands. Moreover, you can also immediately purchase a super complete kickboxing set on this site to get started!

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