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Mau Rakau

Mau Rakau

Mau Rakau is a general term referring to the skillful use of weapons. It is said that the use of weapons was taught in the Whare-tū-taua (house or war school). The term Mau taiaha is used to refer to the use of the taiaha and does not necessarily include other weapons.

Regular schools are held on Mokoia Island in Lake Rotorua to teach the use of the taiaha. Mita Mohi founded the Mokoia taiaha wānanga, which had trained more than 11,000 people for more than 30 years as of 2007 and had reached more than 20,000 people by the time of his death in 2016. One of these is actor Cliff Curtis, who at 10- attended a Mau Rakau taiaha program on Mokoia Island. Curtis was like a son to Mohi, helping him whenever he could with prison and community programs.

The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand and are known for their fierceness and fighting skills. If you've seen New Zealand teams (i.e. New Zealand rugby teams), you've probably seen the Haka. The Haka is the traditional war dance or battle cry of the Maori. It is used to intimidate opponents and strengthen the fighting spirit of the group calling the Haka. The Haka is a kind of extended and group version of Karate's Kiai.

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