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5 reasons to date a martial artist

5 reasons to date a martial artist

In this top 5 we show you the benefits of dating a martial artist.

1: Self-confidence

During the training you will build up a lot of self-confidence and you will also notice this in your partner. He or she will not give up easily and will stand up for you and themselves.

2: You feel safe

You will not feel unsafe on the street if there is someone next to you who can protect you. You know that he or she will be there for you and will not let anything happen to you. If anything happens, there is someone there for you.

3: Sex

We absolutely cannot skip this point in our top 5. Your partner has good stamina, which means he or she does not get exhausted quickly. Moreover, they are also very flexible. This makes it a lot more fun between the sheets.

4: Quiet and calm

Most people immediately think of a martial artist as an aggressive person. But most who practice martial arts are quite calm. They can release their frustrations in their training. This makes you a lot more relaxed and saves a lot of hassle.

5: Healthy

Martial arts and health go hand in hand. A healthy diet is important, but this is also reflected. No excess kilos and a healthy appearance. And let's be honest, everyone likes a partner who looks good.

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