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Muay Thai fighters in Thailand

Muay Thai fighters in Thailand

How can Muay Thai fighters in Thailand manage to train 6 days a week without feeling exhausted or sore, but for me, training Muay Thai and boxing regularly 5 days a week leaves me feeling exhausted and sore?

The daily routine of Muay Thai fighters in Thailand

Muay Thai fighters in Thailand train 2 times a day 6 days a week. They wake up at 6am to go for a 6-10km run, then go to their gym and start jumping rope and stretching, doing some shadowboxing exercises, before doing a few rounds with pads and bags. A solid two-hour workout. This is only morning.

In the evening they usually have playful technical sparring where they focus more on flow and technique, with some rounds in their pocket and with their trainer on the pads. Then there's strength and conditioning and freestyle clinching, without a timer. This means it could potentially last 10-20 minutes non-stop.

How do they do it?

That's the question you're probably asking yourself. Well, it's not their first time. They have been doing this since a young age and their bodies have naturally adapted to the physical demands of the workouts. It became a norm. They are also more accustomed to the hot climate and humidity, unlike Westerners from another hemisphere - so for them breathing is much easier and they do not get exhausted so quickly.

Muay Thai fighters do not feel sore or drowsy because when you train Muay Thai, you need to get regular massages so that your muscles do not become sore and recover faster. Regular massages relieve tension and allow for better energy flow throughout your body, so this helps. They rub tiger balm oil on their bodies before training to ensure the muscles are warm and ready to work, which prevents injuries and extends the life of their workouts.

Age makes the difference

Age is also a factor. You can't train intensively for too long - at one or more points your body will inevitably break, we are not supermen. Therefore, their careers rarely extend beyond 30 years. They start young and end relatively young. These are their prime years when their bodies are at their strongest and they are at the peak of their physical abilities - which is likely why they can sustain such workouts.

Thailand is known for its rich martial arts history and has produced several legendary Thai fighters. Here are some of the most famous legendary Thai fighters.

Legendary Muay Thai fighters from Thailand

  1. Nai Khanom Tom: He is considered one of the founders of Muay Thai and is known for his undefeated record as a prisoner in the Burmese War in the 18th century.
  2. Samart Payakaroon: He is often considered the best Muay Thai fighter of all time. Samart was known for his exceptional technique, speed and agility.
  3. Apidej Sit-Hirun: He was a very versatile fighter and is considered a pioneer in the use of kicks in Muay Thai. Apidej was also known for his strong knees and elbows.
  4. Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn: Known for his dominant clinching technique, he is considered one of the greatest Muay Thai fighters in history.
  5. Buakaw Banchamek: Although Buakaw is still active, he is already considered a legendary Thai fighter. He has won numerous championships and is popular for his explosive style and powerful kicks.
  6. Sakmongkol Sithchuchok: Sakmongkol was a champion in the 1990s, considered the Muay Thai "Golden Era". He is known for his devastating left kicks and tough body that can take a lot while still being able to continue the fight.

There are many talented Thai fighters active in the Muay Thai world right now. Here are some of the prominent names:

Active Muay Thai fighters from Thailand

  1. Saenchai: He is considered one of the greatest Muay Thai fighters of today. Saenchai is known for his incredible technique, agility and skill in the ring.
  2. Yodsanklai Fairtex: He is a former multiple world champion and is known for his powerful punches and kicks. Yodsanklai has fought some of the best fighters in the world.
  3. Super leak Kiatmoo9: He is a rising star in the Muay Thai world and has already impressed with his technique and speed. Superlek has achieved important victories in various weight classes.
  4. Rodtang Jitmuangnon: He is an aggressive and entertaining fighter known for his unstoppable style. Rodtang has a strong martial arts background and has won multiple championships.
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