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Information about Thai boxing/Muay Thai

Information about Thai boxing/Muay Thai

At recreational/beginner level, Thai boxing / muay Thai training is also very accessible to people who have never come into contact with the sport. Mainly basic techniques are used, and the overall fitness is well improved. During these lessons, sparring techniques are used that may not be fully placed. Overall sparring is certainly not mandatory at most gyms.

Sufficient physical activity and therefore regular exercise plays a major key role against stress, for example. Someone who has never come into contact with this sport will notice that the workout is not that bad. The lessons are easy to follow, and above all not scary, but very fun.

At competition/advanced level we are talking about a group of athletes who receive more competition-oriented lessons, with techniques that are necessary for competitions. During these lessons, sparring techniques are required, which you should already have mastered fairly well. So not everyone can simply participate in these lessons. You first need permission for this.

A confident child is much less likely to end up in threatening situations. The physical and mental aspects of martial arts increase children's self-confidence and teach them to be assertive in a playful way. The children learn to set boundaries, say NO and stand up for themselves!

Young people who start with martial arts or who are sent to it by their parents often have a short fuse. If they do it for a longer period of time, this decreases significantly, as the figures show. Through martial arts they learn to control their aggression. The martial arts world can especially contribute to the psychosocial development of socially vulnerable youth and inspire them to (continue to) make choices for 'the right path'.”

At all gyms you can take a trial lesson, in which case you only need to have sportswear with you.

Materials for Thai boxing / Muay Thai:

  • Mouthpiece, this is to protect your teeth
  • Bandages (bandages), to strengthen your wrist, metacarpals and knuckles
  • Gloves to deliver punches
  • Groin protector to protect the private parts
  • Shin guards, for protecting the shins
  • Elbow pads, to protect the elbows
  • Thai boxing shorts
  • T-shirt, if you sweat excessively, bring an extra t-shirt

Positive points of Thai boxing / Muay Thai:

  1. Promoting self-discipline : Most martial arts schools focus on self-discipline. Children today are so used to receiving 'short gratification' that self-control and discipline are often hard to find. Children who are involved in martial arts are constantly reminded of how essential (self) discipline is for them.
  2. Boosting social skills : For children who find it difficult to meet new people and make friends in social environments, a space filled with peers and a common interest can be beneficial. Children in the playground do not always have much in common, but when they both share a martial art / martial art, they are often better able to get to know each other. Exercises that have to be done together can promote friendships because the children are 'forced' to work on their skills together.
  3. Stimulating physical activities : Martial arts is a very good way to get a child off the couch and more aware of his or her physical skills.
  4. Learning to set goals : In most forms of martial arts / martial arts, a 'performance system' is used in which the belts and the stripes on the belts ('slips') are earned. As your child strives for a new tire or slip he will learn valuable lessons about setting and achieving his goals.
  5. Increasing self-confidence: Self-esteem gets a 'boost' because your child masters a new movement or earns a new bond. The children who struggle with low self-esteem usually become more confident with the time the child puts into practicing martial arts.
  6. Promoting respect for others : When practicing a martial art / martial art, it is often a requirement that the person must show respect to his instructor and fellow students. In today's child culture, respect for authority (parents, teachers and other adults) is not always present. By practicing a martial art / martial art, your child will learn what respect is and be reminded of this.
  7. Encouraging conflict resolution without fighting : Thinking that martial arts can only resolve it by using physical force often comes from television and movies. Many martial arts teach how to resolve conflict in peaceful and non-violent ways and the importance of avoiding physical contact.
  8. Improving listening skills : Martial arts teach you how to listen better and keep your attention (focus). This increases the ability to concentrate and improves development.
  9. Developing teamwork : There are few things that a child masters in martial arts without the help of his fellow practitioners. Working together to learn new things is a very important life lesson taught in martial arts/martial arts.
  10. Improvement of other areas in life : The benefits of martial arts often end not only in the dojo (room where a martial art is practiced) but also far beyond. Self-confidence, improved fitness, respect for others will also help your child find his or her way in learning and interacting with others at school, at home and in the child's general development as he or she matures.
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