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Collegiate wrestling

Collegiate wrestling

In the United States, wrestling is a major sport in high schools and colleges. Collegiate wrestling is the form of wrestling practiced at the college level. It is also called College wrestling or Folkstyle wrestling to indicate its difference from other forms of wrestling . The National Collegiate Wrestling Association (NCWA) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) are the two umbrella organizations in America that organize competitions throughout the country. Wrestling as practiced in high schools in the United States is called 'scholastic wrestling'. It differs from collegiate wrestling and has its own rules.

Levels Collegiate Wrestling

It is important for wrestlers to gain experience at school level. Collegiate wrestling differs a lot from wrestling forms such as 'professional' and 'international' wrestling. The focus in this form is more on controlling the opponent than on an explosive action. The rules also differ from other forms of wrestling. For example, in Collegiate wrestling you are not allowed to throw your opponent. This is to prevent injuries.

The length of the rounds are also different from other wrestling styles. The first round lasts three minutes, while the second and third rounds last two minutes. 'Riding time' is a unique rule of college wrestling. This means that if a wrestler is in the top position for more than a minute he gets an extra point.

Many college level wrestlers dream of moving into professional wrestling. This is not easy because the rules differ and the quality of professional wrestling is very high. Still, college wrestling is a good stepping stone and an excellent platform for the young wrestlers to showcase their skills. The really talented wrestlers are scouted at this level for the national teams.

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