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Viet Vo Dao

Viet Vo Dao

Viet Vo Dao is the philosophy behind many Vietnamese Martial arts.

  • Viet is derived from the country name Vietnam
  • Vo means martial art
  • Dao is the way, the path one takes, the method or principle

During and after the Vietnam War, many of the Vietnamese martial artists were spread throughout the country. The Viet Vo Dao Federation was therefore founded on November 3, 1973, with the aim of reuniting some Vietnamese martial arts. This involved the following styles:

  • Thien mon dao
  • Cuu mon
  • Qwan Ki Do
  • Bach Hac
  • Thanh Long Viet Vo Dao
  • Vovinam

Viet Vo Dao is therefore also used as a generic term for certain Vietnamese martial arts and philosophy, as is the case with Kung Fu in Chinese Martial arts.

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