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What is cardio boxing good for?

What is cardio boxing good for?

Cardio boxing is suitable for everyone. Man, woman, novice or advanced athlete, much or little experience with boxing. The combination of boxing and fitness makes the exercises very accessible. Of course with the necessary challenge! Although this is not official, an age limit of approximately 14 years is usually used.

Cardio boxing for weight loss

Cardio boxing is a serious calorie burner

Cardio boxing is a high-impact cardio training that burns a lot of calories. Cardio boxing workouts burn many more calories than other types of cardio workouts. A regular (Cardio) boxing training can burn up to 1000 calories in an hour. Compared to other cardio workouts such as walking (243 calories), jogging (398 calories) and running (544 calories), cardio boxing outperforms most cardio workouts.

Cardio boxing specifically helps burn belly fat

Although Cardio boxing is a serious calorie burner, it is also very efficient at burning fat. The high intensity of a workout means it is very good at burning fat usually found around the waist (belly fat). Belly fat is often linked to a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, such as esophageal cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer. Cardio boxing is a great way to reduce that 'visceral fat' around your waist and help reduce the associated medical risks.

Cardio boxing trains your entire body

Let's face it, hitting the treadmill day in and day out or taking a brisk walk along the same path can quickly get boring. Such Cardio workouts also do not give you the full body workout you need for optimal fitness and weight loss. With Cardio boxing you train the entire body, which also involves all your muscle groups. The high intensity makes you lose weight faster. With continuous punching on a punching bag, speed ball or punching pole, or the jumping rope and resistance training built into most Cardio boxing workouts, you don't need to add much else to achieve your desired results.

More benefits of Cardio boxing

For a sleek figure

(Cardio) boxing is super good for your figure. Jumping, punching, blocking and ducking are ideal for strengthening the muscles throughout your body. Boxing is the perfect combination of cardio and strength training in one.

Against stress

There is nothing better than enjoying yourself during a boxing training session after a busy day at work. Set your mind to '0' and go! Focus on something completely different from what you are worried or stressed about. Boxing releases endorphins and this substance makes you feel wonderfully satisfied afterwards.

For more self-confidence

Boxing boosts your self-confidence. You practice 'combat situations', learn your limits and discover what your body is capable of. Boxing gives you control over your own body, so you know what to do if something really happens. Read more about this in this article .

What do you need for Cardio boxing?

Cardio boxing is also quite accessible in terms of material. You don't have to purchase mountains of equipment to practice this fun sport. Below an overview.

Boxing gloves
You can probably borrow these, but from a hygienic point of view, your own boxing gloves are definitely recommended. Some tips for purchasing boxing gloves can be found here and help with choosing a size can be found here .
Comfortable sportswear
This is in everyone's closet. It is especially important that you can move comfortably and well in it.
You can certainly also do cardio boxing barefoot, but make sure you have a soft and cushioning surface. It is easiest to wear flexible sports shoes with a thick, springy sole.
Cardio boxing makes you sweat a lot, so a towel is certainly useful.
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